Sunday, November 7, 2010


Halloween history started with the Celtic, 2000 years ago the Celtic people were living in Europe had a festival named "Samhain". The festival of "Samhain" is a celebration of the end of the harvest season. It was on October 31 at the end of the "lighter half" of the year and beginning of the  "darker half”. The Celtic believed that in this day the border between this world and the other world become thinner (i.e. between life and death), so they kindled a fire to keep the souls away .

The catholic church in the 7 century made influence on the Halloween celebration day, they have sought to change the meaning of Halloween day from being a day of raising souls to honour the dead.
The name of Halloween is Scottish origin and is short for " All Hollow’s Eve" the night before "All Hollow’s Day".

In America the tradition of celebration in Halloween day started with Irish immigrants , however the traditional celebration has evolved  from its original cultural . Halloween is still celebrated in several countries around the global.

At Halloween children wear unusual costumes ( it can be modelled after supernatural figures like monsters, devils, witches), and go from door to door, asking for candies, with the question:"Trick or treat?"
In Australia we celebrate Halloween, in fact on the 31st of Oct. twice 2 groups of kids wearing strange customs knock on our door and ask for candies.
In Lebanon we have "All Saints Day" but it 's a religion day and considered a public holiday .We have also "Id El-Barbara"  after the name of saint Barbara , the celebration of  this festival is similar  to Halloween in so many ways ( dressing , singing, food, etc..)

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